I'm dying for some hills.  A friend sent me this link:  
Anybody ever done this ride?  

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Never heard of it. And never heard much about hills in Michigan before.
From a naturalist point of view it looks quite fascinating-- check out this picture of "The Wall" (what ride doesn't have a climb called "the Wall?")-- none of the vegetation is growing upright-- surely this needs to be studied and documented.

Good forensic work H3N3. Must be a strange atmostpheric response to the extreme steepness of the area.

(and there are some hills in the west side of the state. Not mountains maybe, but some hills)

H3N3 said:
Never heard of it. And never heard much about hills in Michigan before.
From a naturalist point of view it looks quite fascinating-- check out this picture of "The Wall" (what ride doesn't have a climb called "the Wall?")-- none of the vegetation is growing upright-- surely this needs to be studied and documented.

totally awesome
It a new ride this year and I plan on doing it. I have riden in that area and the hills are short and steep. I cant imagine what 10,000 feet of them is going to do to me.
This is during the TOMRV weekend. http://www.qcbc.org/tomrv/index.html

200 miles, 10,000 feet in two days. Very enjoyable, very well organized and there's a "wall" right outside of Galena and then another "wall" which is more of a bad joke on the last two miles up into Clark College in Dubuque.
"The Wall" is sort of a running joke on invitational rides in general. Veterans always make a big deal out of warning newbies about "The Wall" at the end of the ride; you spend the whole ride wondering if they were pulling your leg and you never know if they were serious about it until you're done . . .
I rode through that area last year on a self supported tour. The miles on the itinerary looks WAY easier on paper. But, i did get up to +40mph on a couple descents. That was amazing.


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