I try to support Amtrak as much as I can but it's completely sold out for the dates I want/need to travel to St. Louis.

It looks like megabus is still available.  I've never used it.

Anyone have general tips, or juicy horror stories to share?

Do they just keep selling seats and add more buses as necessary?

Anyone ridden through the night? What's that like?


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On a weekend I could understand, though...I mean, on a Sunday in January it's not exactly like the Loop is hopping. :) It was the fact that it was a workday that threw me.

But I think you're right about young people moving in to lofts, etc. in the downtown area.

Andy J (9.2 miles) said:

Just came back from a weekend in St. Louis last month - same experience. Great town: The Arch, City Museum, Meramec Caverns, all lots of fun, but downtown is a ghosttown. My understanding is that the area is ripe for gentrification and that number of 20-30 year olds is trending upward. Probably a good opportunity for real estate speculation.

I think I would feel safer riding on a motorcycle than a Megabus. Keep in mind, I have never been on a motorcycle in my life.

I've taken probably about 2 dozen or so Megabus trips over the past few years. It used to be my go-to when I was car-less in the city. I've gotten the 50c trips, $1.00 rides, all the way up to $70 for a last-min NYE bus. IMO, it used to be much better. The overnight busses were barely full, they were a lot more on-time, and drivers were cheery. Now that they have 8x the infrastructure, it's a bit more of cattle herding. Bottom line - it'll get you there, but as others have mentioned there are sometimes crazy (and othewise preventable) delays.

I don't think anyone's mentioned seats yet - try to get towards the front of the line to board. (If you're traveling solo, this isn't always possible since they collect luggage first). My favorite seats are the tables downstairs or the 3rd-ish row behind the stairs on the second level. Those stairs can't be used when the bus is in motion, so you can sorta stretch out over the top and let your feet dangle. Most comfy spot to sleep I've found on a Megabus yet. Earplugs are a must. There will be at least 4 people snoring.


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