If you or someone you know is looking for a meaningful and educational spring/summer internship please consider West Town Bikes!
Internship Description Below...but check out our www.westtownbikes. org for more info.

Marketing and Membership Intern

The overreaching goals of West Town Bikes are to promote bicycling in the city of Chicago, to educate youth with a focus on under-served populations, and to foster and serve Chicago's growing bicycling community.

If you believe in our mission and want to be a part of what makes a small non-profit successful join us for a Spring or Summer internship. You'll gain professional skills in a non/anti-corporate atmosphere!


-10-20 hrs/week
-Assist in the creation and maintenance of West Town's first membership program and database
-Work with various media sources to promote West Town Bikes
-Help publish the West Town Zine and promotional material
-Assist in the running of major West Town Bikes events


-Class credit
-Free Bike Mechanic classes and access to professional shop
-Make connections with leading community organizations and activists
-Gain hands on teaching and youth work experience

This internship is a good opportunity for people interested in: Media, Marketing, Advocacy or Non-Profit Management. Please send applications before March 24, 2009.

To apply please send cover letter and resume to:

Sarah Miller
West Town Bikes
2418 W North Ave
Chicago IL 60647
or email: sarahm@westtownbike s.org

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