So you think you can wrench!?!

Let's put it to the test...

How well can you fix a mediocre bike with a limited number of tools in a half hour? That'll be the test this afternoon with Ciclo Urbano's Mechanics Challenge. Then to get out your frustration, you can go and toss a crap bike for bonus points!

Contestants will diagnose and do repairs within a limited time. Few points will be awarded for finishing first compared to overall quality of work. Judges will award points on specific repairs not announced until contest has been judged and winners are announced. The winner will have bragging rights for the day as well as prizes to be announced.

The Mechanics Challenge will be limited to 6 participants. Registration will start around 1:30pm, you must be present to register. All bikes, tools, parts and materials for the contest will be provided. Registration is FREE! Stay for a day and evening filled with other events, attractions, music and great beer specials from New Belgium Brewing. Proceeds benefit West Town Bikes!

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