“The City is always talking about ‘sharing the road,’” said Gruberg [spokesman for United Taxicab Workers], “and for the bicyclists to get exclusive access of the bike lane goes completely against that mantra.”
Hang on a second... the what lane? Oh, the bike lane. Surely that wasn't named for just one specific type of transit! Well, gotta run guys... I'm going to go ride my bike in the buses only lane now. Those buses sure need to learn to share the road!
In reality, isn't this already what's happening at least in Chicago when taxis and busses drop off or pick up passengers on streets with bike lanes?
Maybe it's just me, but to be honest I would rather have a taxi or buss pull over (safely of course, which is often the rub with busses and taxis) into a bike lane and drop passengers off nearer to the curb. I can then go around the taxi by taking the lane and avoid the passengers and the open car door. The other option of having the taxi stop in the road and the passenger suddenly opening the car door on the curb side--most likely into the bike lane itself from a direction I'm not expecting--and then crossing the bike lane to get to the curb just sounds more dangerous to me as a cyclist.
I don't know. I don't see the big deal. Normally I take any oppountiunty to rail against cabs but what is the alternative? Stopping in traffic then having the fare paying customer open the curbside door into the bike lane? I don't see that working.
Also, SF does not have the same cab culture as here. It is not so predatory and there are way less cabs in general.
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