McGrath Lexus Driving Into Traffic at Elston & Division - Insights Needed

Twice during my morning commutes on Elston, I've seen individuals* leave the McGrath Lexus main entrance by turning left into the right hand lane and driving until they can get around the line of cars waiting at the intersection or until there is a small opening in the line of cars that they can get through. Both times this has occured I have been in the right lane and the car has been headed directly towards me.  For those of you who ride Elston, be careful!


I get that the company is placed at an awkward spot for a left turn - my guess is they are 25 feet or less from the light. And you bet your bottom dollar I'd be frustrated as a driver trying to turn left at an intersection that regularly has lines of cars at a stop light. That being said, this is extremely dangerous, especially on a road often traveled by cyclists. Before I stop into the dealership to speak with a manager about this, I wanted to see if any of you have had similar experiences? If so, can you send me as many details as possible, as I want to stress the graveness of this situation.


*I'm 90% sure it has been the same person both times, but I'm giving this the benefit of the doubt

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I understand completely. I will take a walk in a little bit here and take some notes. We will also remind all of those at Acura and Lexus the hazards of illegal parking and the consequences...I hope to see improvement by the weekend.

Thanks John. I'll be riding through in about 20 minutes (blue jacket, yellow backpack, obscenely bright flashing headlamp) - I'll stop and say hi if I see someone out and about. I know many, many parking spots were eliminated when they put in the protected lane (personally I do not like the protected lane). I would like to note that whenever I've gone through and a car jockey (correct term?) was trying to pull out of Acura and creeping forward so they could see around the parked cars, they have always backed up so I could ride through.

Ok Gopher, I must have missed you, saw some of your buddies though. Yes, I counted 5 illegally parked vehicles and took pics of lic plates and have forwarded to those who can make the difference. Apologies for the trouble. Be safe.

Thanks again John for improving the situation for all of us (I'm sure it will be safer for your customers and employees once their sight lines are not obscured. It was a bit better than usual today and I should also clarify that I do include the buffered and bollard parts of the lane that extend down in front of Morton Salt.

Julie Hochstadter said:

Great pic, thank you Julie I am truly honored as are the McGraths. Happy Thanksgiving!

Wow. If I ever decide to buy a Lexis, I'm going to McGrath.

Actually, anyone can set up a google alert for a search term, and you should get a message within an hour of a public posting that includes the search term you specify.

John, I know you are working hard on this issue but I just wanted to let you know it still is a problem. During my last three rides through the area (last Thursday, Friday, and yesterday) I counted a total of 31 cars parked illegally between the bollards in front of Acura). The most problematic ones are those in the buffer by the exit/entrance to the service areas. Again, we really appreciate your efforts in addressing this issue.

John L. Douglass said:

John Douglass here, hello Gopher Biker. I apologize first for vehicles that were parked illegally. I have also forwarded your concern across the street to the powers that be at McGrath Acura of Chicago. I am at the Lexus location and do walk that way upon closing, however at that hour most vehicles are already gone. What time did you come by? I would like to go out at that time today and make some notes and take some pics. We will get it sorted out, I assure you.

Hi Gopher Biker,

I first apologize for the late response as I have been out ill with some unexpected surgery. Two weeks it cost me. I did forward your complaint upon receiving it, to to Kevin McGrath at Acura and he assured me that he and his staff are on the case. Please accept my apologies and get me an update on what you're seeing. I will be back on top of things in a few days.


John Douglass


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