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Why is this called "Matt's Law?"
I had to stop downloading ringtones today while driving!! Oh noes, my productivity is lost.
I saw some moron texting on his bike in Rodgers Park this morning on greenview just passing Pratt. This Dumbazz did not even look up while crossing Pratt and with deliberate intent came right up on him and scared the living crap outta him just to do everyone a favor. It's not only the people who drive cars that are idiots in a Chicago summer and I hope you are reading this ....
Matt's is a state-wide law.
Chicago already has a no texting while driving law in effect.
on a bike ?
cutifly said:
on a bike ?

I'm not a lawyer so I could be wrong, but that should be the case since bikes on the road are considered to be vehicular traffic. Same deal with the open container laws, DUIs, etc.

i like the "scare the shit out of em" approach on this. May use it myself.

cutifly said:
I saw some moron texting on his bike in Rodgers Park this morning on greenview just passing Pratt. This Dumbazz did not even look up while crossing Pratt and with deliberate intent came right up on him and scared the living crap outta him just to do everyone a favor. It's not only the people who drive cars that are idiots in a Chicago summer and I hope you are reading this ....
It is certainly good to raise public awareness about texting and driving, but I am not too impressed with the new law. Here's why:


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