Suburban man charged with riding bike on O'Hare runway

October 9, 2010

Bond was set at $200,000 Friday for a south suburban man charged with riding a bike on an O'Hare Airport runway Thursday night, then trying to go inside the terminal through a security door.

Marlow Sahron Land, Jr., 22, of the 17300 block of West Wausau Court in South Holland was charged with one count of criminal trespass to a restricted area of an airport, police said.

He was ordered held on $200,000 bond Friday and a preliminary hearing was set for Oct. 14, Cook County State's Attorney's office spokeswoman Tandra Simonton said.

Land was detained after accessing a secured area at O'Hare on Thursday about 10:35 p.m., police said.

Prosecutors said he was riding a bicycle on a runway, then tried to enter through a security door near the American Airlines terminal.


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Looks just like the Dave Chapelle crack head character.
"Drugs and alcohol have ruined my life!"
"You know know how to make crack? Some flour, some baking soda and i think i tasted eggs and cinnamon!"
To me, having worked on the field, the real question is how the hell did he get on the field with the bike in the first place?


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