i have a big wooden crate. it looks like an oversized kid wagon without the wheels and the pull-handle. i want to turn my wooden crate into a cargo trailer for my bike. any advice on where to get parts to make this work? thanks.

also, i have a huge metal car roof rack that could be an over-sized cargo trailer if anyone is interested.

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Dude, that looks heavy.
African Engineering ?
Take a look at this video, it is a wooden cart using Angle Iron as the frame and inside the box is a motor that pushes the actual bike. I has lots of fun with this one when I was doing that kinda crap early on. http://www.perlayer.com/media/video/cart.wmv
A simple search on google provides lots of plans, including parts lists. This one seems like it may fit your needs
yeah, it's pretty heavy, but not bad.

i've been searching google all day. some really cool stuff on there. i just want to walk into a store and buy some parts and make it so.

thanks for the links and giggles.
Here I put the cart video on vimeo.

Cart from Marty on Vimeo.


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