MAIL ACTION: My friend Ezra of Fast Boy Cycles has only a few more months to live

My friend Ezra of Fast Boy Cycles has only a few more months to live. I know how much he appreciated the kind words you had for him in the September 2008 issue of The Derailleur. Would you consider sending him another postcard, card, letter, or care package or leave a comment on his blog?

Mail should go to:



NY, NY 10027-5215

Thank you!

P.S. You can make postcards out of cardstock by simply chopping an 8-1/2"x11" piece of cardstock in half one way and in half the other way. This will give you lots of room for drawing/painting/collage/writing on one whole side of the postcard and half of the other side of the postcard. Examples of previous postcard campaigns (for a different friend) are here and here.

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I'm feeling guilty because I intended to write when you first posted and haven't done it.  Somewhere I have some postcards that came in original copies of Exile on Main Street.  I hope Ezra likes the Stones.

Did he ride a recumbent a few years back in Critical masses, possibly with a small sound system?

Just thinking about him from Glen's show. Thank you, Willow, for the updates.

I've been reading Ezra's blog and want to give this a bump and add a bit of Dylan Thomas'

Do not go gentle into that good night ...

Rage rage against the dying of the light

For those who have not yet heard, Ezra Caldwell (Fast Boy Cycles) passed away last night.

I never met him - only knew him through the blog, and only found out about him through Chainlink about a year and a half ago. I just kept reading the blog because I found it so damn inspiring that he could handle everything with such grace.

I'm also very sorry to hear this. Thanks to you Ezra for sharing a life well lived. Thanks also to the kind Chainlink'r (you know who you are) who brought this to all of our attention a long while ago. 

Suzi Wint said:

For those who have not yet heard, Ezra Caldwell (Fast Boy Cycles) passed away last night.

I never met him - only knew him through the blog, and only found out about him through Chainlink about a year and a half ago. I just kept reading the blog because I found it so damn inspiring that he could handle everything with such grace.


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