(edit-- saw the Friday performance; changed the top post and subject line from Friday-specific to Saturday-specific)

Just wanted to make folks aware that this is one of the big free events of the season-- Mahler 2nd Symphony is a big bombastic work with extra winds and percussion, vocal soloists and large chorus. Also the last concert of the Grant Park Festival Orchestra for the year.

Here's a taste:
Concert starts at 7:30-- Grant park Symphony (which is made up of mostly Lyric Opera and Milwaukee Symphony folks and free-lancers, as I recall . . .)

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Surprisingly good.
Repeated Saturday at 7:30:
I'd suggest getting there about 45 minutes early for either a pavillion seat or a good spot on the ledge/lawn.
Last concert of the season.

Next big orchestral event is Sunday September 19, 5:30 PM-- a rare Chicago Symphony appearance at Millennium Park:
Riccardo Muti's inaugural concert with the CSO, playing Resphigi's Pines of Rome and more:
gonna be there with my family!
Excellent! They allow food everywhere, even in the Pavillion seats, so bring some :-)
The performance is straight through, no intermission, I think an hour and 40 minutes or so.
My rec. is to either sit as far forward in the "free" part of the pavillion as you can. The mixing booth is in the middle and has a tent over it which obscures the view.

Julie Hochstadter said:
gonna be there with my family!
I thought we were boycotting Pritzker!
It was a sit-in.


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