I found this scarf (red, blue and plaid) on Wednesday or Thursday am on the LFT at around Irving Park Rd.  (see the attached file). Please e-mail me if you know who this belongs to!  Please post on your social media so we can find the owner.  I have shared this with the McDonald's Cycle Center crew.



Gabe photo.jpg

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Isn't there a popular SUV commercial on tv now, where a guy finds a scarf laying on the ground in some exotic foreign location, and then summons his hunting dog to pick up the scent, while he jumps in his giant fancy SUV and follows the dogs lead up and down steps, then sidewalks and curbs and more steps.(typical entitled SUV owner) Then his dog finds the woman the scarf belongs to, he presents it to her, she smiles, puts the scarf on, and then is on her way ! Her hero !

You don't have a hunting dog do you ? The scent is probably gone by now. The scarf looks hand knitted. Good luck with your hunt for the owner !


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