I managed to lose the key to my old Kryptonite u-lock, stranding my bike outside my office.  Does anyone have any recommendations for a decent locksmith that doesn't charge like crazy for coming out on the weekend?  (Or an alternate method?  Though the engineers in my building already threw everything they had at it.)  The best I could do was an appointment for a locksmith to come by on Monday, but I hate the thought of my bike sitting out in the snow for another two days.  

Also, since my bike had to weather the storm out on the streets yesterday, what should I expect to have to fix/replace in the near future because of the layer of ice all over everything?  (Or am I just being overprotective of it?)  It's a Trek PDX, for what it's worth.


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John S. said:

Ah, thanks. I'd heard about that, but couldn't get it to work.  The engineers at my office thought a proper solution would be to drill out the key hole, so there's no chance of getting that to work now, unfortunately (though now I feel like I should've tried harder with the pen).

If they already drilled the key hole you are now at the point where you need an angle grinder

Carrie Smith said:

Ah, thanks. I'd heard about that, but couldn't get it to work.  The engineers at my office thought a proper solution would be to drill out the key hole, so there's no chance of getting that to work now, unfortunately (though now I feel like I should've tried harder with the pen).


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