Hey Chainlink- Just got my bike tuned up and ready to ride!  Anyone want to ride with me Monday Night then grab a beer? 

Located in North Center 

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Daytime? :) I have to work Saturday PM 

awwwwww!!!!! Where are you guys drinking?

well, "this" sure looks like fun.  if there are a few going let me know! 

I'm actually looking for a riding buddy from downtown today leaving at 4PM to head up to Skokie.    Monday night will be with family.

Doh! Wish I saw this yesterday... :(

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Marcy, why not to join some beer-loving cyclists this Saturday? ;)

I ride to Faraguts on Tuesday to meet my girl but depending on where you live and where I'm at... Maybe?
Monday might work for me..the Penrose event seems cool too..im playing major chainlink catch up..I just got back from the yoga chrome store chainlink event tonight
.thanks for the connection!

Thanks Mike- Tuesday is a work night for me. :(

Hatandbeard-  if the weather is nice- want to go to the penrose event?  Serge- were you thinking about going still?

Depending on your hours, you may want to stay up to view the lunar eclipse tomorrow night.  It starts a little before 1am, but if anyone wants to go to the lakefront for viewing, count me in. 

ME!!! ME!! raising my hand as high as I can!! I don't have to work until 6:45pm on Tuesday. Stars are right up my alley!! Anyone else?

Ugh.  Snow and low of 30F.  Losing enthusiasm . . . 

oh John- I hear what you are saying I'm not into cold and 30 either- but it is going to be a beauty- and the best views are going to be probably between 2-3. I started a new discussion as (and sadly if I was a boy I would go alone) I want to be safe. I'm going to take stuff for hot toddys. :) Hopefully I'll find someone- if not I'm sure I'll figure something out. Thanks so much for alerting me of such a cool occurrence!!


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