Looking to hitch a ride up to Waterford for the CCC/KR Bike club tour and ride



Used to live in Kenosha and Chicago, but never did this ride while I lived here. Now I'm visiting the area and am staying in Park Ridge. I don't have a car or anywhere to stay in the area up north. If anyone would be so kind to help me out I would be most appreciated. I've got a coupler equipped bike, so even if there isn't room on your bike rack I've got some flexibility in putting it in a car. Please reply here or contact me at baitianming@gmail.com





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I posted it in the CCC Group here and will forward to the club listserve.
Awesome, thanks for the help!

Cool, thanks.


Send me an e-mail and I'll give you my phone number so we can arrange this.





Michael Brosilow said:

If this is the Waterford Factory ride on Saturday I'm going & have room in my van.



Glad you made it there. It was good to ride with you again. Loved your Bruce Lee jersey! Did you guys finish OK?



Made it back just fine. Just felt like enjoying Wisconsin at a social pace rather than a Monday pace. You riding tomorrow?


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