Want to Bike Across Asia or South America?

Reach the World is looking for people who want to write for inner-city students while on a transcontinental bike expedition.

About Reach the World Bike Expeditions:
- During the 2009-2010 school year, Reach the World will run its second transcontinental pedal-bike expedition across either South America or Asia

- The expedition will travel 7,000 miles and visit approximately 15 countries over nine months (the exact route will be determined by the crew)

- Crew-members will dive into local cultures, explore environmental extremes, and come face to face with exotic wildlife

Expedition Team Crewmembers Will:
- Research and write engaging materials for an educational website

- Be responsible for all tasks associated with a long-distance bicycle journey

- Communicate with students and teachers through classroom visits, email, and video-conferences

- Sign school-year contracts (September to June), during which time they assume no living or travel expenses and are provided with health and disability insurance (a $7,500 fundraising requirement must be met to participate in the trip)

For More Information or to Apply:
Email Brian Sabina, Chicago Program Director (brian@reachtheworld.org)

About Reach the World:
Reach the World is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that empowers inner-city elementary and middle school students by connecting them, via the Internet, to travelers on real-world journeys, broadening the students’ worldviews and helping them learn with technology. Visit www.reachtheworld.org to learn more.


Please forward this to anyone who might be interested.

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