Looking for: 40c Michelin City tires in town (I wanna support a LBS!)

Allo everyone.. since yall were so helpful in my last tire quest, I thought I'd ask for another set. Now I'm looking for a pair of 40c Michelin Cities. I'm guessing Rapid Transit, any other ideas?

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If you can't find them in stock anywhere, ask Smart Bike Parts to order.
whoooo.. they're charging $10 over msrp. no thanks.
super tire... wish i could tell you who stock's them.
Not to sound like a big ad for SBP, but I think you'll find they'll give you a better price if you stop in. I would think any shop that orders through QBP should be able to get those tires. Some will want to compete at least somewhat on price.
700c or 26"?
i happen to have a pair of unused 700x47's!
OOh, Fork can handle it, but i think that might be just a touch too big in rear. Thanks anyhow!

Anne said:
700c or 26"?
i happen to have a pair of unused 700x47's!


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