My friends looking to get her commuter tuned up, although I think there might be an overhaul needed soon. Could I please have some recommendations/suggestions for a quality LBS in the area, within easy distance of Logan and California? I know 312 and West Town are relatively close.

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A year or two ago my wife brought her 15 year old bianchi into boulevard bikes for a 'major overhaul.' Being her pride and joy (she bought the bike new in jr high school), she went to boulevard because they're an authorized bianchi dealer. The guys were nice and gave her an estimate that we both thought was a bit inflated but decided to go for it anyway. The bike was repaired on time and when I went to pick it up, the clerk handed me the bill - $80 over the estimate! I told him it was much higher than the agreed-upon price. He said, "sorry, dude." Reluctantly, I paid the bill - I'm a pretty agreeable person and I was in no position to haggle with him after the fact.

I've gone to Smart Bike Parts ever since. They have a brand new shop on Armitage, just west of Humbolt and Eric and the rest of the staff are great: they've always given me fair pricing. Many times, they've simply not charged me for small adjustments or repairs and have given me a break when buying multiple parts.
I recommend both Boulevard and Smart Bike Parts.
Boulevard is knowledgeable and good, but pretty busy this time of year. They do a great job, but can be pricey. I have been to Smart a few times, they seem knowledgeable and receptive to 'walk-in' service.
Thanks everyone!


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