The Chainlink

Hey Chainlinkers,

We were contacted with this message:

Logan Square friends: On my way home from work I saw a guy on the ground in the bike lane on Milwaukee just before he Chase bank (traveling northwest) his bicycle was laying in traffic and his head was bleeding pretty bad, some people had already stopped to help but I stopped too and hung out until the ambulance came, the cops asked if anybody could take his bicycle and I did and left my name and phone number and address, but I don't usually trust cops. The guy said his name was Mike, but not much else. If anybody knows a guy named Mike that got hit by a car on his bicycle on Thursday April 25 please let him know I have his bicycle.

Does anyone know who this was and if he's OK? We would be able to connect him to get his bike back. We hope he's OK, for sure!

Thanks much,

Ethan Spotts, Active Trans

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And, we've found him! He is OK but in the hospital...he called our crash support hotline, thankfully so we are able to get his info from our volunteer and connect him with the guy who helped out by saving the bike.

Good news indeed.

Thanks all, I'll shut this thread down.


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