30 minutes ago I came six inches from being implanted on a black Lexus.

I was riding home on Clark northbound around Cullum.  The street is very wide here, no cars parked on either side and great visibility.  I had front and rear lights on and with the cemetery wall to my right you couldn't miss me.

The Lexus is going SOUTHBOUND and pulls a U turn right in front of me. I wasn't paying any attentio to traffic going the  OPPOSITE direction so all of a sudden I see a car turning in front of me. The driver dude was looking to the north as he turned  so doesnt even see me.  I and several guys across the street start screaming. I hit the brakes and with about 160 of his degrees made he stops the car.  I scream "you almost killed me" and the guys across the street run over yelling at him too.  He takes off without an apology!

I guess the learning's are fellow bikers:

Always expect the unexpected

Drive defensively

Realize how dangerous biking can be


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You are right on every count.  Thank goodness you are OK.  Ride safe!

Thank heaven you were paying attention. Expect someone (driver, cyclist, pedestrian) to do something stupid every second.

Exactly Lisa.

Truly, that's the only way to survive.  Sometimes even that might not be enough to avoid trouble.

This might help also. Ride safely.

Madonna del Ghisallo, patron saint of cyclists holy medal.


Glad you're safe!

Just a month ago I was riding south on Lathrop approaching Washington Ave in River Forest to meet some friends to ride the IPP. It was about 9am and I had the green light as I was approaching Washington on a clear and sunny morning. I looked to my right and saw a Jeep Cherokee approaching from the west and thought it was going too fast to stop. I pulled hard on the brakes and stopped in the middle of the intersection and the driver blew the red light at full speed. Never even saw me. I sat in the middle of the intersection stunned for a few seconds before continuing on my way. I still shudder when I think about that moment.


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