Lincoln Square Bike Theft Thwarted!! early Monday morning 7/30

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Did you catch them???

This also shows why it is important to have a Double Deadbolt type of lock!

i did not catch the guy, but i did see him cutting through the U-Lock with a buzz saw and when i walked up he looked startled and he walked off saying he forgot his keys which was obviously the worst ploy ever.. he was a large bald white guy, mid to late 30s.. he had a bag with all his shit in it  and dashed off while i checked out the bike and i called the cops.. i left a note with an old school email.. gave a full report and the cops actually watched the bike til the morning and rang doorbells in the neighborhood.  I work in a bar in Lincoln Square and as of today the bike was gone and i have not received an email but hopefully its in the owners hands!

Nice work! 

Not my bike, but I just want to say thank you for doing this!

Hey jefe,


What bar do you work in?  Me and my bro's will put it on our binking/drinking excursions!

Awesome! You deserve some good bike karma.

@NYC i work at the daily bar and grill on the corner of lincoln and wilson, hit us up we got beer and booze!

@h' i did not get a good enough view of the saw.. i would assume that its a small portable type, i did not see a cord and i think it was a rotating saw and not a straight edge like the last one.. 

@ everyone, thanks!

Could you explain the advantage of the double deadbolt? Just guessing here:  on a "standard" u-lock, the non-lock side slides out easily; a double deadbolt prevents this by locking both ends of the U to the cylinder (?).... So if you want to remove the it, you have to cut through both sides...


Joe Willis said:

This also shows why it is important to have a Double Deadbolt type of lock!

Good guess.

Charles Cooney said:

Could you explain the advantage of the double deadbolt? Just guessing here:  on a "standard" u-lock, the non-lock side slides out easily; a double deadbolt prevents this by locking both ends of the U to the cylinder (?).... So if you want to remove the it, you have to cut through both sides...


Joe Willis said:

This also shows why it is important to have a Double Deadbolt type of lock!

Well done! The owner owes you dinner & a beer at the least!

Thanks for this explanation, Cameron! And WOW, I park my bikes (not overnight) near the Daily nearly every day of the year as I work at the Old Town School. This is a huge heads-up to me and my coworkers, two of which have had their bikes stolen recently. I wish I had a pic of the dude to put up!


Cameron Puetz said:

With a single dead bolt, the cut pictured would have caused the lock to easily fall away. In this case with a single dead bolt, the bike would have already been stolen before nerdjefe happened on the scene and intervened. Since the lock was a double dead bolt two cuts were required to free the bike. In the picture you can see the beginning of the second cut just to the left of the pole. The extra time required to make the second cut slowed the thief down enough that nerdjefe was able to intervene.

Charles Cooney said:

Could you explain the advantage of the double deadbolt? Just guessing here:  on a "standard" u-lock, the non-lock side slides out easily; a double deadbolt prevents this by locking both ends of the U to the cylinder (?).... So if you want to remove the it, you have to cut through both sides...


Joe Willis said:

This also shows why it is important to have a Double Deadbolt type of lock!


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