Hey all,


What is the status of the LFP between Division and North?  Have the large sections of path been replaced, cuz it's bloody awful on the road bike.

Kind of like this:







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Hey Christopher, they are still there but they have done some patching to smooth the edges of the gaping holes...it's possible to ride a road bike at a decent but not full out speed.


Active Trans provides daily Lakefront Trail updates on conditions, detours, etc. at www.activetrans.org/lakefront or follow us on Twitter @activetransLFT.


Anyone is welcome to post updates on Twitter with #CHILFT.


Thanks much,

Ethan Spotts, Marketing & Communications, Active Trans
Awesome, thanks for the update!

Just got back from my lunch ride on the M U P - from  just north of Belmont Harbor around Northerly Island and back.  Chicago - Roubaix is still alive and well around Oak Street. 


The larger issue is the tourists on rental bikes are already out in full force.  You can't be too careful around those squirrels!


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