Let's Stop Bitching about the Oil Spill and DO SOMETHING

I want to organize a fundraising event, or a series of them if it's a popular idea. Let's do something besides ride around booing at gas stations, guys. Let's be a proactive community of advocates for cleaner, healthier transportation and send a positive message to our city.

I'm thinking the first of such events could be a "by-donation" bike wash. Let's get out our chain-brite, our toothbrushes, our chain cleaners, our rags, etc and spend a Saturday cleaning bikes, say at the Polish Triangle or some other popular intersection for bike traffic.

Then let's send all that money to a relief fund for the Gulf. Maybe we have employers who will match our contributions? Maybe ActiveTrans will sponsor? Who knows?

Also, I'd love to make spoke cards to hand out to anyone who donates any amount of money for the event.

I'm just tired of being a bitch about it. I want to feel like I did something, and my limited ability to actually travel south and clean the coast with my hands means I have to clean something here and send money to the people who ARE more capable than I am!

So what do you guys think? Can we do this?

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Joe Sak said:
Guys, next Sunday, the 29th, we're doing it again:


Could really use a flyer today or tomorrow if anyone wants to help.

Unfortunately I'm on family vacation all next week, so I could really use help with flyering.
Can someone edit the old one?

Joe Sak said:
Guys, next Sunday, the 29th, we're doing it again:


Could really use a flyer today or tomorrow if anyone wants to help.

Unfortunately I'm on family vacation all next week, so I could really use help with flyering.


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