let's show this guy that people actually ride bikes!

hey gang. i've got a short story & small request to make.

i work on lincoln, just south of addison & park my bike outside on the large racks on the west side of the street every day. as i was leaving work sunday, the guy who owns the liquor store in front of which i park came out & asked me to park my bike along the entire bike rack (which would have made me block the entire thing) because "I know my business & nobody bikes around here." he didn't think it would be a big deal if i parked like an ass. i told him that there are bike racks all over town, & i'm fairly certain people on the sidewalk know to avoid running into my bike. he closed the conversation with, "ok. all i can do is ask you nicely. now whatever happens happens." my boss is convinced that was a threat, i'm not certain.

suspiciously, the next day, a co-worker who locks her bike to the same rack had her back wheel stolen...during work...on a monday...on a busy street. whether it was the guy from the liquor store trying to make a point or not is anybody's guess.

for now, my plan is to keep parking in the same spot & just keep a close eye on my bike all day. there are spots for 12 bikes on these racks, though. so check this out: if you're around here, park in front of armanetti liquors. let's prove to this guy that people DO bike & that it doesn't mess with his business that we're parked there (which was his essential claim).


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Maybe some of his regulars are too sh!tfaced to keep from veering into the parked bikes? i'd be checking the dumpsters behind the liquor store for the missing wheel...
What a crappy situation.

Do you live in the same ward? I ask cuz liquor establishments operate at the fragile mercy of the City. It might be helpful to get your alderman involved? Not so much as a (counter)threat, but to help this guy understand what age he is living in. It is a different world now. Sometimes the older and more set in their ways need help understanding that bikes belong.

Complaints against liquor establishments are taken very seriously by the city. You could use this, if necessary to our advantage.
I've been to that business. i will stop by and park my bike there, and say how happy i am that there's a bike rack outside.
actually, my boss today tells me that she's called the alderman's office on him before & before she even said who it was, the lady on the other end knew who he was. he's apparently a known character around here for this sort of stuff. the cops won't get involved (i can't really blame them) because we don't really have any evidence against the guy, just a vague threat & a stolen back wheel that we THINK he stole.

Tony Adams said:
What a crappy situation.

Do you live in the same ward? I ask cuz liquor establishments operate at the fragile mercy of the City. It might be helpful to get your alderman involved? Not so much as a (counter)threat, but to help this guy understand what age he is living in. It is a different world now. Sometimes the older and more set in their ways need help understanding that bikes belong.

Complaints against liquor establishments are taken very seriously by the city. You could use this, if necessary to our advantage.
Kill him with kindness.
Yea i'm assumning you talked to the big bald guy there. He's pretty hit or miss as far as if he's nice or not. Definatly a chooch brosef type of guy. Be sure to bust out your late 90's california lingo or frat boy lingo to make fun of him.
I shop there a lot, always with my bike carrying my helmet. That's shitty.
Armanetti's, can't stand that store. Even though Armanetti's has a bigger selection, if I need to buy liquor in that neck of the woods, which happens more frequently than I care to admit, I frequent Pelly's. The counter dudes are always cool, will always help and the margarita place next door has a big bike rack or there's a city rack on the NW corner of Lincoln/Newport. I'll wonder if Pelly's would put up a rack in their parking lot of more cyclists frequented.
I love that this discussion was tagged "asshole." That could apply to so many discussion threads on this site. :)
Pelly's is awesome also cuz they are open later than I'madickies. Also the lady there once gave me a boat load of free tickets to the golden glove boxing tournament

Craig S. said:
Armanetti's, can't stand that store. Even though Armanetti's has a bigger selection, if I need to buy liquor in that neck of the woods, which happens more frequently than I care to admit, I frequent Pelly's. The counter dudes are always cool, will always help and the margarita place next door has a big bike rack or there's a city rack on the NW corner of Lincoln/Newport. I'll wonder if Pelly's would put up a rack in their parking lot of more cyclists frequented.


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