There was a recent discussion on business that block bike lanes.  How about one that covers businesses that go out of their way to accommodate cyclists?


First up - I'd like to nominate  Delaware Dental at Delaware and State.  They are a very nice husband and wife practice that takes all kinds of insurance.  They're on the third floor, but it is not a problem to take your bike on the elevator.  There's a room within the practice to keep your bike, and no one bats an eye when I show up on two wheels in my bike gear.

Defying all stereotypes, my doc doesn't ride a $13,000 Pinarello.  In fact, he's not a cyclist at all.

So who else wants to recommend a business where you are not treated like a criminal for wanting to bring your ride inside, or like a child molester for wearing bike clothes?




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The Walgreens on Barry/Halsted has let me use their drive-up window as a bike-up window.

REI has let me park inside rather than use the outside rack on a very snowy day.

I'll just mention places that told me to take my bike back outside:

Walgreens, the Subway on Kedzie/Diversey, random 7-Eleven's throughout the city.

Crafty Beaver on Lawrence encourages you to bring your bike inside and park in the lumber section. Nice folks, too.

There are good reasons why fast food places do not allow bikes through the drive-through. The biggest being robbery.

Yeah they'd totally been cool with me.   Ben, are you in the hood too?

Ben Gray said:

Crafty Beaver on Lawrence encourages you to bring your bike inside and park in the lumber section. Nice folks, too.

Ok I just shopped with my bike at the Jewel on Kedzie/Elston. They probably wouldn't have let me if it was early in the day.

random thought: just saw Silver

I am in the 'hood, living and working.

Got to say something nice about Nora and John over at Uptown Bikes too. They're very friendly, know me by name and are solid mechanics to boot. Happy to spend money in there.

Julie Hochstadter said:

Yeah they'd totally been cool with me.   Ben, are you in the hood too?

Ben Gray said:

Crafty Beaver on Lawrence encourages you to bring your bike inside and park in the lumber section. Nice folks, too.

and Ryan L works there now too!!!!

Ben Gray said:

I am in the 'hood, living and working.

Got to say something nice about Nora and John over at Uptown Bikes too. They're very friendly, know me by name and are solid mechanics to boot. Happy to spend money in there.

Julie Hochstadter said:

Yeah they'd totally been cool with me.   Ben, are you in the hood too?

Ben Gray said:

Crafty Beaver on Lawrence encourages you to bring your bike inside and park in the lumber section. Nice folks, too.

I've been allowed to bring my bike into both Dantes Pizza at Armitage and Kedzie and Katherine Anne's Chocalates on Sacremento and Armitage.  

Hi Chainlinkers,

my name is Gerrie Marie & I am one of Chainlinks newest interns! I just wanted to highlight a company that I have worked for on and off for the last eight years! I work for Kimpton Boutique Hotel & Restaurants in the Chicagoland area, where as a whole-Kimpton has the honor of being the very 1st Bicycle Friendly hotel chain in the U.S.A! They offer two different types of bicycles-fixed & non-fixed gear street bikes, for leisurely rides around the downtown area, for free to all of their hotel patrons! So whether you are traveling alone, or with your family, there are enough bicycles to go around, in order for you to take in many of the U.S's major cities for totally free on two wheels! They provide you with maps, bike friendly locations, paths, and great places to site see! Another great feature they offer is they are also pet friendly! All hotel along with their restaurants/bars, are dog, cat, & fish friendly, in conjunction with any outdoor patios where one can bring their pet and will be offered pet friendly snacks and drinks! If by chance do not have a pet and are traveling alone-Have no fear, because all Kimpton Hotels offer a goldfish to be your companion while you are away from home! Come visit any of the Chicagoland locals and check out the special drink & food offers they have, daily, weekly, & monthly-along with special modified menus for our Gluten-free, vegetarian, & vegan patrons!

With our new house purchase, I've spent an abnormal amount of time in hardware stores lately. I'm impressed with Home Depot (Halsted and Lincolnwood) and Lowes (Lincolnwood). Nobody bats an eye when I roll my cargobike + trailer thru the aisles.

I never took it into Crafty Beaver or Clark and Devon Hardware, but I don't think I'd try. Those stores have a much smaller footprint and the aisles are so narrow, that I would consider carrying a bike into the store a safety issue. And if I have to leave my bike upfront, I'd rather lock it up.

They probably think you are buying it. ;)

Duppie said:

With our new house purchase, I've spent an abnormal amount of time in hardware stores lately. I'm impressed with Home Depot (Halsted and Lincolnwood) and Lowes (Lincolnwood). Nobody bats an eye when I roll my cargobike + trailer thru the aisles.


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