Yes, I know the weather is still miserable, but is anyone interested in coming up to the North Shore (Lake Forest, IL) and doing a ride. It can be relatively short, but just something to get outside.

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I live in Northfield. When the snow melts I am 'down' on riding 'up' that way on the tall bike.
I usually ride up that way and back, not start from there. But when the weather is better I'll be up for meeting you there and continuing on. I love riding st. mary's - in short sleeves.
M.A.R.K. said:
The weather isnt to miserabel at all, and should be a great day for riding with it being in the twenties much like yesterday.. Get the good rides in while you can, next week its back to the teens and single digit temps. Sorry but I cant make it, maybe some other time as your not to far from me. How the riding up there?
The riding, when we can get it in (dry roads, reasonable temps) is pretty great up here.
I look forward to meeting up with you.

cutifly said:
I live in Northfield. When the snow melts I am 'down' on riding 'up' that way on the tall bike.
The riding is pretty good up here, when we can do it.

Stuart Joshua Holt said:
M.A.R.K. said:
The weather isnt to miserabel at all, and should be a great day for riding with it being in the twenties much like yesterday.. Get the good rides in while you can, next week its back to the teens and single digit temps. Sorry but I cant make it, maybe some other time as your not to far from me. How the riding up there?
Looking forward to it.
GabeW said:
I usually ride up that way and back, not start from there. But when the weather is better I'll be up for meeting you there and continuing on. I love riding st. mary's - in short sleeves.
Go through your neck of the woods coming in from Kenosha. What do you ride? Trails like the Mcglory bike path or do you stay on road and ride St.Mary's down to Evertt Rd east to Highwood. I know when the spring is here, I see a sea of bikers. I ride a Bianchi road and a TreK 'cross bike. I have passed by you I think once or twice. Do you ride a red Waterford with Mavic's or a black Seven with Zipp's? Saw a fellow like you at the Highwood Mobile gas station. If its trail riding than you will see me on my Santa Cruz Chamleon or my DK BMX ride. We will have to have a meeting point for the Tribe; say Egg Harbor for a Sunday ride. Weekly ride from the square by Kiddles? Hope to see you this spring or sooner! Jim

I'm co-founder of Velo Club Roubaix, Inc., formerly a bicycle racing team on the North Shore. (I say formerly, since most of the stalwart racers have since defected to other more competitively oriented bike clubs.) That's not to say we're not competitive and fast (well, at least my teammates are fast....) but now we hold Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday morning road rides (when the weather permits.) I live at the north end of Highland Park, just south of Old Elm Road (which is the south border of Lake Forest.)

I'm primarily a road rider, but I have a Gunnar CX bike and a Bontrager Ti mountain bike (which i rarely used, these days.) The rest of my rides are primarily European: Look, DeRosa, Colnago, BMC & Wilier Triestina.

The McClory trail (the one that parallels Sheridan Road) is just blocks from my house. However, you may be referring to the North Shore Trail that parallels Route 41. That will take you right by our Saturday Ride starting place: Northcroft Park, Lake Forest, IL. I'd love to intro you to some of our group rides, but I have no problem with riding with just one or two persons. I'm trying to get Julie P. &
Leah N. to come up and ride, perhaps on a Tuesday morning. Our Tuesday morning rides a pretty mellow.

Jim said:
Go through your neck of the woods coming in from Kenosha. What do you ride? Trails like the Mcglory bike path or do you stay on road and ride St.Mary's down to Evertt Rd east to Highwood. I know when the spring is here, I see a sea of bikers. I ride a Bianchi road and a TreK 'cross bike. I have passed by you I think once or twice. Do you ride a red Waterford with Mavic's or a black Seven with Zipp's? Saw a fellow like you at the Highwood Mobile gas station. If its trail riding than you will see me on my Santa Cruz Chamleon or my DK BMX ride. We will have to have a meeting point for the Tribe; say Egg Harbor for a Sunday ride. Weekly ride from the square by Kiddles? Hope to see you this spring or sooner! Jim
You folks do the Mafia ride and the Judeson I belive also. What do you ride speedwise when you say "mellow"? 20-25 mph or 25-32 mph? I do alot of distance on the rides I do, between 70-110 miles and ride about 6-8 hours or more. Speed is around 23-26 mph. You have some fine rides. Did you get some Rock and Racing gear yet? They ride DeRosa as I am sure you know. The Colnago is the Dream model right? So when are you getting a Eddy Merckxx or a Pinarollo. BMC is totally bad-ass, leave it ti the Swiss. Like Ridely and may be getting one this spring. Seven also has me drooling since I am an ox at 240 lbs, I have not moved to carbon fiber yet.

Stuart Joshua Holt said:

I'm co-founder of Velo Club Roubaix, Inc., formerly a bicycle racing team on the North Shore. (I say formerly, since most of the stalwart racers have since defected to other more competitively oriented bike clubs.) That's not to say we're not competitive and fast (well, at least my teammates are fast....) but now we hold Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday morning road rides (when the weather permits.) I live at the north end of Highland Park, just south of Old Elm Road (which is the south border of Lake Forest.)

I'm primarily a road rider, but I have a Gunnar CX bike and a Bontrager Ti mountain bike (which i rarely used, these days.) The rest of my rides are primarily European: Look, DeRosa, Colnago, BMC & Wilier Triestina.

The McClory trail (the one that parallels Sheridan Road) is just blocks from my house. However, you may be referring to the North Shore Trail that parallels Route 41. That will take you right by our Saturday Ride starting place: Northcroft Park, Lake Forest, IL. I'd love to intro you to some of our group rides, but I have no problem with riding with just one or two persons. I'm trying to get Julie P. &
Leah N. to come up and ride, perhaps on a Tuesday morning. Our Tuesday morning rides a pretty mellow.

Jim said:
Go through your neck of the woods coming in from Kenosha. What do you ride? Trails like the Mcglory bike path or do you stay on road and ride St.Mary's down to Evertt Rd east to Highwood. I know when the spring is here, I see a sea of bikers. I ride a Bianchi road and a TreK 'cross bike. I have passed by you I think once or twice. Do you ride a red Waterford with Mavic's or a black Seven with Zipp's? Saw a fellow like you at the Highwood Mobile gas station. If its trail riding than you will see me on my Santa Cruz Chamleon or my DK BMX ride. We will have to have a meeting point for the Tribe; say Egg Harbor for a Sunday ride. Weekly ride from the square by Kiddles? Hope to see you this spring or sooner! Jim
I'm up for anything as long as it's at least 30 degrees :) I've never been riding up that way, but would love too since I don't live to far (Skokie) So, let me know if you get a group together.
You've got it Kim. Can you send me your regular email address, because if I get a small group together, I don't want to have to post it to the entire ChainLink crew --- if that's okay with you.



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