If any Chainlinkers are going to the 46th annual Hilly Hundred this year, let's meet up and ride together.


Right now I know 2 of us are planning on it, so what about the other 9,498 members?
Want to go?

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c'mon michael - Ironmen (and women) have, like, what - maybe 5 minutes between biking 112m and running a marathon. I've done it. Cycling is great recovery from the Marathon (after beer, swimming and ice).



Michael B said:

Thinking about it. It's less than a week after the Chicago Marathon. I'll have to see what condition my condition is in.

I'm excited to get back to bloomington and elletsville. Several highlights :


the dive bar that alex (evane x) met a cute hoosier girl 3 years ago w/larry N and me

bobby knight's favorite steakhouse

bloomington brewing company (that makes revolution and half acre look like nothing)

Upland brewing (my hometown is Upland, IN)

and the famous hills during the two-day ride that all have names (two sisters (there are actually three), Mt. Tabor, water tower hill, etc.)

MikeF said:

Dan Brown says he is going. I am doing the indoor "camping" in the school. Dan has a 3 bike car rack, I have a two bike rack. I am driving down to B-town to see my son first, then over to the ride that evening.

It is a fun weekend, 5000 people would agree!


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