Saw this on Wonkblog. Something to consider when trying to make cities more walkable and bikeable.

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Shared this with my republican family and waiting to hear them scream at me for being a socialist on this view and how we need to stop pushing for walking and biking.

Great article though... Makes me hopeful that Chicago will be another city that follows thru with this.

What I got out of this article is not that drive-thrus are evil, but only that they are not compatible with walkable/bikeable streets, and should be kept on car-centric roadways.  I think that's common sense.

The McDonalds drive-thrus on Clark at about 2500 N, and on Clark at about 5700 N, are both dangerous to walkers/bikers and really break up what are otherwise nice, walkable blocks.  I dread having to walk or bike past them.  But on N. Ave. in the suburbs, I don't think drive-thrus do any harm (nobody walks out there anyway), and for some people they are really convenient.


It would be nice if more people understood the damage these businesses cause.  They all but ruin otherwise nice neighborhoods.  I've been boycotting these type of businesses for years.


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