Please take this short online survey by IDOT to show your support for bicycling and public transit, and to help shift their focus off of building endless new highways and expressways:


IDOT survey (orange button)

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I couldn't say whether IDOT is still collecting survey data, but, for now, it can be found at the url below.

Sorry I'm late in my follow up on this -- that's what I get for hitting "Stop Following".

Thanks to all who took the survey! Looks like at least 20 Chainlinkers did based on this post alone. I know Active Trans and Riders for Better Transit also posted the link on their FB pages. 

I suspect IDOT closed the survey because the data was skewing so far in favor of bicycling and pub trans. Wouldn't that be great? I can't see dozens of car drivers getting excited about taking an IDOT survey, so we prolly outnumbered them, or at least gave 'em a run for their money. I'd love to see those survey results.


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