I'd love to borrow a bike case for my CAAD this coming week (29-7). After talking to another Chainlinker, I realize it'd be ideal to have a "real" case for my flight (Southwest). If anyone's willing to loan me a case, I can pay a small fee plus a deposit or whatnot AND make you a batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies. Please message me if you'd like to make money doing nothing and help someone out who is particularly attached to her bike. :)

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I'll have to see if I can find it in the pile of my junks in the basement. I'll let you know.

I have one and I know where it is if JAW can't find his...

Go for it. 

I bought one because I thought I was going to use it to travel for the TD Five Boro Tour, but ended up never using it and lent it to my landlord and he put it in the basement, somewhere.

Steven E Gross said:

I have one and I know where it is if JAW can't find his...

I think I'm buying one tonight! If it somehow falls through, you can be sure I'll be back here later.

Hey. Things fell through last minute. Message me if there's still a chance of me borrowing a case!

it's all yours.

When do you need it?

please e-mail me directly at Steven@reallifeweddings.com



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