Lemond Nevada City stolen today-dont think I have the serial number-am I out of luck?

So my 2002 yellow and black LeMond Nevada City was stolen at the art institute today. I used to have the serial number at my dads place but he since has passed and the number probably got thrown out. The bike was all stock specs. So other than saying its yellow and black and there was electrical tape on the end of the handle bars really describes it. Will the cops still take a police report. I work at the Art Institute and their security filed a report. Thanks for any suggestions.

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Sorry about your bike, Adam.  You can still and should file a police report without a serial number. It's not the only way to establish ownership of your bike, but it is often the preferred method for law enforcement. Got any pictures? Unique accessories? Stickers? A business card stuffed in the handlebars? All can be used to establish ownership. And post an entry on the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry ASAP. Even if you don't have all of the information at the time the report is submitted, it can be updated later. 


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