This could be fun . . .

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I actually passed he and his family once on the LFP, back when BO was just a presidential candidate.  The tip-off that I was looking at the Obama family was the burly Secret Service guy that was following so oddly close to this otherwise normal looking family. 
Who's this guy?

Serge Lubomudrov said:

And why is he not wearing a helmet?

Crazy French people.

Davo said:

Who's this guy?

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Prince Joachim/ Princess Marie (denmark)

Londons mayor boris johnson is a big cyclist



even the pope has a pimp Colnago
Mikey, get going!

Michael A said:
even the pope has a pimp Colnago
This is a great picture.

Serge Lubomudrov said:
These are pretty much the same:

da plane da plane.  or  da bike da bike

Serge Lubomudrov said:



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