Lawyers and Law students needed as Legal Observers for WNBR-C

Last year, a sole attorney did a great job during the record setting WNBR, but law students and lawyers (licensed in any state) are welcome to assist by riding and acting as Legal Observers ( Please pass the word - if you're a lawyer or law student, or if you know one, the assistance can help make this year's WNBR the type of event that participants and organizers envision and work so hard to create. LOs are expected to be clothed, and act as observers, but should find this a rewarding experience. Lack of a bicycle is not a good reason not to participate - we'll find you something to ride! Please contact Ian Kasper for more info.

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I want to help, but I don't want to think about nudity and my co-workers at the same time. I know they wouldn't be naked, but it still seems wrong. I don't think I want to say anything directly, but maybe I could flyer some bikes for you.
jamimaria said:
I want to help, but I don't want to think about nudity and my co-workers at the same time. I know they wouldn't be naked, but it still seems wrong. I don't think I want to say anything directly, but maybe I could flyer some bikes for you.

Thanks. If you work with lawyers or law students, you could turn them on to the Chainlink site and hope they find it on their own, in addition to the other offerings of the community.
3 interested attorneys so far - please let me know if you are interested.


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