The Chainlink

Does anyone know if the lakefront trail is rideable right now? I want to ride from 53rd Hyde Park to Belmont. Anyone have any recent experience with what patches I should expect? I know the S curve is probably still coated, but anyone know anything else?

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Today (December 26, 2013), I rode from Hyde Park (51st Street) to downtown (Monroe) this morning, and the LFP was plowed and heavily salted.  The path was wet, and had some dusting of snow in places, but was quite rideable.  I did not encounter any ice during my ride, which was nice.  

I think the most current conditions for the LFP are available via twitter.  Search for #ChiLFT for fairly regular posts.

I created a website that gathers everyone's posts on Twitter tagged with #chiLFT (which Joe just mentioned): Lakefront Trail Conditions.

Michael A said:

The last post on the ATA feed was december 23, has anyone been on the path today? Is it plowed? Rideable?

I just rode from Jackson going North to Montrose.  Wind was at my back which was nice.  

Jackson to Olive Beach was nice; plowed and salted.

Olive Beach to Oak St. Beach was the most treacherous.  Still not too bad; about 1 1/2" of snow, but it was slippery in places (note: I do not change tires in the Winter; simple hybrid tires with).  

Oak St. Beach to just South of Fullerton was plowed and salted.

The area just South of Fullerton to Fullerton was closed and snow packed.  Took the upper trail and it was fine.  It was a nice hard pack with little mud/slush.

From Fullerton to Montrose was fine.  Plowed and salted.

Along the entire route there are some fairly sizable puddles that you can veer around.  These should be noted depending on the temperature and how much salt content they have in them...

Thanks for the reports and the link Steven

The short off-road path just south of Fullerton is awesome for mountain biking right now. I had so much fun, I went back and rode it a couple more times. It's muddy but not too soft. You will get your pants dirty but it's worth it :)

Any word on Oak Street curve?

It's completely covered in very slippery snow. I walked it as did the few other cyclists I saw there.

The stretch along the lake from Oak south wasn't too bad. I rode the whole thing being careful in a few spots.

in it to win it 8.0 mi said:

Any word on Oak Street curve?


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