Until Friday night

"Water is flowing onto the Chicago bike path due to high waves and elevated lake water levels.
Caution is urged where water is spilling onto the bike path.
Do not get close to where high waves exist."

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Like I tell the lifeguards I've been swimming in the great lakes since 1978 and only drown a few times.

Exactly - and that's how an oncoming cyclist north of Ohio St Beach slid trying to pass someone, and he slid, taking me down yesterday on my commute home. 

He slid right in front of me and I went over the handlebars on top of his bike. 

He apologized profusely.

I got up, moved my right brake lever back to its original position, ignored him, kept riding home. 

Glad you're ok!

Thanks Tom. No blood, just a bruised elbow and knee. 



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