I just spoke to the CPD Project Manager for the LFT separation project. This is the project that Ken Griffin, a biker, donated 15 million to build a bike only path along the densely used areas. It will be great once completed but....

He told me that the separation project will shut down the path from Berry to LaSalle rerouting bike traffic to the west side of LSD. They are still getting the plan together and will publish schedules and routes in the coming weeks. He said the Active Transpiration Alliance ok'd it.  Tough news after last summer's incremental closing for re-surfacing. 

see http://activetrans.org/our-work/walking/our-lakefront

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All I foresee is groups of pedestrians with coolers or strollers mixing with bicycles and roller bladders and runners on two paths instead of just one.  I don't see much of an upside to new paths. I only see another loss of green space. 

No new pavement north of Belmont. Runners and walkers will be directed onto the secondary paths that meander closer to the lake. Should work out just fine.


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