Oh, my!


I am very interested in seeing what sentence Dr. Thompson receives. I am just as interested in seeing how this is treated in the more mainstream media.


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I have to admit: I was suprised at the sentence. I never thought he'd even get a full year, let alone multiple years.

Multiple stories have commented on the doctor's expressions of remorse. I can imagine them actually being genuine. It will be interesting to how things go from here.

Curiouser and curiouser.
Clark said:
I think you meant "I CAN'T imagine them actually being genuine..." and I agree

Actually, I CAN imagine the Doctor being remorseful. He's been sittting in jail since the trial. I'm often struck by how a relatively short time in jail affects people that have previously considered themselves princes among men. Of course, I often say that I have a very good imagination.

In any event, just as I was interested in seeing what Dr. Thompson's sentence would be, I am interested in seeing what affect, if any, this event will have on how people treat cyclists.
Velonews published their reporter's notes from the sentencing hearing. This conversation between motorists and cyclists will continue for a long time. This episode will likely figure prominently in that discussion.
Not surprisingly, Bob Mionske has some good commentary.
A little bit closer to home:

"A Naperville woman accused of deliberately running down a 17-year-old bicyclist with her car last summer in the city's downtown has been deemed ineligible for a treatment program for the mentally ill."



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