A recent bike theft victim who still has her lock pieces (the thief was chased away by hospital security before he could grab them) asked me about Kryptonite and the theft warranty today and I have very little experience . . . has anyone ever personally collected after having a bike stolen? Does anyone personally know anyone who has? Does anyone know anyone who knows someone who has? Does anyone know someone whose cousin's veterinarian's kid has? Does anyone know if Rebecca Black's orthodontist's general contractor's personal trainer's sister has?

Thanks . . . .

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I contacted Kryptonite after my bike was stolen. I had the parts of my lock. They told me that I could mail in my lock and get another lock sent to me for free (I had to to pay shipping for the broken one) However getting the bike paid for only happens if the lock malfunctions and is the cause of the theft. At least thats what they told me. You also had to have sent in the paper work to them.


I took the liberty of sending this link to the brand manager for Kryptonite, the wholly owned subsidiary of Ingersoll Rand. I'll keep you posted on the response.


One of my plumbing subcontractors' nieces boyfriend who has a friend in western kentucky that knows a guy that rides his bike to work because he has road rage issues had his bike stolen. His kryptonite was in the holster that comes with the lock when you buy it. He called kryptonite. They asked for the serial number that was on the bike. But billy bob got angry cause was trying to explain to krytonite that he had no mo' bike to read the serial number from.

After a short but awkward moment of silence, kryptonite said he should have registered the bike through bikerevolution.

Then he called his buddy, who is dating the neice of a plumber I know, who told me I should register my bike with bike revolution.

So I did. He also told me to lock up my bike properly and not just have a bike lock for show.

Good luck.  I wish you much of it if you are ever going to see anything out of Kryptonite.  I couldn't even get them to replace their defective bic-pickable version because my wife didn't know about the recall until too late.  The second the media hoopla died down about their ineptitude and cover-up about their fail-lock they cancelled the program.  They will only do stuff if they are massively publicly embarassed.  BigLocktm doesn't care as long as sales are going well -so sorry charlie!


They will wiggle out of paying for anything, even a new lock, if they can.  If you didn't do everything right by registering the bike the lock and bike with them, and giving them enough information about yourself that an 11-year old child could effectively steal your identity and expose you to a ton of junk/spam snail and email then they will refuse you any compensation. The conditions are pretty difficult to fulfill as they wrote the exclusions to minimize their financial responsibility the greatest extent.


OnGuard is no better.


Think about it.  Bikes get stolen pretty often.  If they were giving out money for every bike that got stolen then the lock would cost what a lock costs now PLUS the cost of the next bike they will buy you when it does get stolen.  


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