The Chainlink

i've got a spare thing that clamps on to your bike to hold onto a kryptonite lock.

i'll trade it for a book. or anything really. or just ask for it. . i don't intend to use it on either of my bikes.

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I don't need a kryptonite lock holster thingy but I'd be happy to give you a book.
I have no use for a lock holster either, since I also have one in the original plastic bag sitting around.

What types of books do you like to read?
which one does it hold, all the sizes?
it came with a mini, but i'm pretty sure its a standard u-lock size. i can't recall if onguard's attachment is different.

Ammo said:
which one does it hold, all the sizes?

book suggestion is good enough. I'll read anything interesting.

These are the last couple books I've read:
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running (Haruki Murakami)
Essex Country: Tales from the Farm vol 1
Super Spy (Matt Klindt)
The Yiddish Policeman's Union ( Michael Chabon)
A Very Long Engagement ( Sebastien Japrisot )
Difficult Loves (Italo Calvino)
Art as Experience (John Dewey)
Children of Men (P. D. James)
White Teeth ( Zadie Smith)
Whatever Happened to Art Criticism? (James Elkins)
The Namesake (Jhumpa Lahiri)
Catch 22 ( Joseph Heller)
The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho)
Maus (Art Spiegelman)
Fight Club (Chuck Palahknuk)
The Object Stares Back ( James Elkins)
Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman (Haruki Murakami)
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay (Michael Chabon)
Underground (Haruki Murakami)
The End of Marketing as We Know It (Sergio Zyman)
Bird by Bird ( Anne Lamott)
Einstein's Dreams ( Allan Lightman)
Vintage Murakami (Haruki Murakami)
The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana ( Umberto Eco)
The Cheese Monkeys ( Chip Kidd)
Norweigan Wood ( Haruki Murakami)
Fortress of Solitude (James Letham)
ah forget it. Mine isn't a standard, a fatty!

Perhaps u should read choke by chuck palaknuk.
Cool, The Alchemist is my all-time favorite book.
lol its basically everything haruki murakami has wrote, along with some umberto eco and michael chabon.

I gravitate towards fiction, and stuff that mixes surreal and fantasy into reality.

I'm also a huge comic book reader, from mainstream to indie, if anyone has any independent graphic novels they like. .

or, conversely, if anyone has an interest in buying any graphic novels I've got bunches of suggestions for any type of person.
it looks the same as the onguard one i broke off my old bike. . i'm pretty sure that's what it is.

BK said:
it came with a mini, but i'm pretty sure its a standard u-lock size. i can't recall if onguard's attachment is different.
I am looking for a replacement holster for a deep well On Guard Pit Bull. I wonder if yours is compatible? Probably not. I tried to reach On Guard through their website for a replacement but haven't had any luck, although I haven't been vigilant. I don't read for pleasure because college made reading a punishment to me. Having to read The Brothers Karamazov will do that to you. Anyway, if you think there is a chance of On Guard comparability, can you snap a pic? That's pretty much the only way I'd be able to tell.
this thing


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