and charged with Felony Bike Theft. Press Release is below. This should make it much more difficult to beat the two prior felony bike theft counts which were brought against him in July. We love the Wilmette police department.

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Great news!  Thanks for the update, Kevin!

Well done!

Happy New Year to all!!

Kevin this is great! ;-) Way to go Wilmette! ;-)

Three of the stolen bikes showed up on the Chicago Stolen Bike Registry; i.e. the GT, the Nakisi, and the Lemond. Here's the complete list:

Excellent sleuthing, Kevin!  Are you calling those three in to Detective Girard?  Or contacting the owners to make their own contacts with the Wilmette Police?

Already emailed my Wilmette detective contact. 

Thunder Snow said:

Excellent sleuthing, Kevin!  Are you calling those three in to Detective Girard?  Or contacting the owners to make their own contacts with the Wilmette Police?

You da man, Man!

and emailed two of the owners (3rd didn't have an email attached to their post).

Thunder Snow said:

You da man, Man!

It's hard to operate a bolt-cutter or even an angle-grinder with one hand cut off.

If that still doesn't work then cut off the other one.



Trib Local:


Pioneer Press/Sun-Times:


If you have a moment to spare, leave a comment as a concerned citizen on these web news pages.  It might be nice for some of us to heap a little praise toward the Wilmette Police for taking this seriously enough to stake out, and the state's attorney for bothering to prosecute bike theft (for a change!).

I know the owner of the Nakisi and contacted him with details. Thanks for posting the info.

Kevin C said:

and emailed two of the owners (3rd didn't have an email attached to their post).

Thunder Snow said:

You da man, Man!


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