... Lithuania style.


Arturas Zuokas, Vilnius Mayor, Crushes Car Parked In Bike Lane (with Mercedes-crunching video goodness).



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I'm not sure I want to share a bike lane with an APC any more than I do with a parked car. Still, I LOLed :)

Maybe we can get Rahm to run over a post office truck?
Arturas Zuokas for mayor!
Yes, I just watched that clip linked from a comment on the 'taking the lane' thread in The Guardian. Love it!
I like that he then sweeps up the glass after the totaled car is towed away and rides off on his bike :)

but it worked for Margaret Thatcher 


Cameron Puetz said:

I think Michael Dukakis put an end to American politicians riding around in tanks.

sten said:
Maybe we can get Rahm to run over a post office truck?
If you're going to run over a car with a tank it sure is nice to clean up the mess.
isnt the mayor technically illegally driving in the bike lane?
He's enforcing the law. ;)

iggi said:
isnt the mayor technically illegally driving in the bike lane?
the mayor scolding the gaudy car owner part of the vid is priceless.
Would like to see the loop and other areas ban cars altogether, with the exception of buses and deliveries.

APC != Tank :(


It's like calling a moped a bicycle.  Sorry, pet peeve of a former jackboot Cav trooper.

Awesome!.. Just Awesome.


Arturas Zuokas for mayor for sure!


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