Now that the big stuff's off my plate I think there's time to plug in one Karaoke ride before the winter cycling season ends.

Anyone have any favorite places they'd like to plug? Please include the time the k. starts and what night of the week it takes place, if you know it.

I'm kind of partial to Piece on Thursdays but I don't know if a weeknight is the best time.

Thanks for any input!


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ooh I just went to the four treys last night on damen and they had karaoke! It was fun!
I haven't done ANY karaoke since I moved up here and I'm craving it almost as much as a mobile dance party. Follow and I will lead and sing so much Salt N Pepa.
I'm hoping for this one to happen also after I come back from California.
Also Hidden Cove on Lincoln, although a ways north for H3N3 is a good place for karaoke. We ended the N. Side mass there once. It was a fun time.
There is also Trader Todd's around Belmont and Sheffield I think.
I work at Trader Todd's, a karaoke bar. We have karaoke every night starting at 8:30. Mondays everything is half off (everything, food and booze), and I can probably hook you up with the KJ and let you skip the line if you tell me you're from the chainlink.
I like Piece on Thursday evenings; great beer brewed onsite and really good pizza. Karaoke starts at 10 PM. I might be up for trying the Hidden Cove. I like that it's on the north side. Some of the reviews discussing the foul odors there are a little disconcerting, but nobody's perfect.
Sidekicks on Montrose is also pretty fun. I believe they have karaoke every night. Late on Fridays and Saturdays gets pretty crowded, but I've always had a good time there.
I almost never work Mondays, but I would go on the ride and I still have pull even if I'm not working. Monday evenings are pretty chill, and it never really gets busy before 10 on any night anyway.


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