Personally, I think this is awful. I feel it doesn't matter who she killed, the fact they were cyclists makes it hit home even harder.

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Wow! With all the prescription drugs she was taking, I'm surprised she was allowed to drive at all. She should have got the maximum 6 years. Who goes driving when they're on morphine?

Here's the direct link for you MyFace haters (yes, me too):
True. However, and the news story just might not mention it, I would imagine that her doctor would tell her to not drive while on morphine. I guess I should've phrased that better.

h3 said:
"Allowed to drive" . . . =anyone= can get behind the wheel of a car.

This is on the news as I post (click the video).

The child is mostly OK, the grandmother recovering.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Wow! With all the prescription drugs she was taking, I'm surprised she was allowed to drive at all. She should have got the maximum 6 years. Who goes driving when they're on morphine?

Here's the direct link for you MyFace haters (yes, me too):
Interesting. I would think that not telling a patient that it wouldn't be a good idea to drive while on Medication X would possibly lead to a lawsuit.

h3 said:
Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
True. However, and the news story just might not mention it, I would imagine that her doctor would tell her to not drive while on morphine. I guess I should've phrased that better.

h3 said:
"Allowed to drive" . . . =anyone= can get behind the wheel of a car.

This is on the news as I post (click the video).

The child is mostly OK, the grandmother recovering.

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
Wow! With all the prescription drugs she was taking, I'm surprised she was allowed to drive at all. She should have got the maximum 6 years. Who goes driving when they're on morphine?

Here's the direct link for you MyFace haters (yes, me too):

Speaking as a health care insider- patients are almost never told not to drive-- the only doctor I can think of who would is a bike commuter.


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