Do you like to shout and clap!? 

Do you like to smile and jump!?

Do you like chants and pom-pons!?

Of course you do :)


The Kickstands are a cheerleading squad for Chicago's cycle scene.  


It's going to be less like dancing (like The Racketeers), and more like shouting, clapping, kicking, cheering... we'll do bits like rabble-rousing, chant-starting at big events like Critical Mass downtown and the Auto Show Shutdown. The Kickstands, I hope, will be a fun presence. 


As we speak I'm brewing up chants and cheers that say something about how awesome it is to ride a bike. I've never been a cheerleader before, and so this isn't going to be so very rigid or rehearsal-intensive. Once a week, perhaps, with extra practices with big things coming up. 


Like the Auto Show Shutdown in February. I'm thinking a couple extra practices right away.


With that, here's The Kickstands' Blog.

And the event pages:


On The Chainlink:

The Kickstands Informational Meeting- Kopi/Andersonville

The Kickstands Informational Meeting- Heartland/Rogers Park


And on Facebook:

The Kickstands Informational Meeting- Kopi/Andersonville

The Kickstands Informational Meeting- Heartland/Rogers Park


Also, if anyone has any great chants they want to tack onto this thread, that would be pretty awesome :)

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    • Happy New Year! 

      Don't forget there's this awesomeness going on Thursday! Anyone's welcome to come see what this is about.
      Kopi- A Traveller's Cafe/ 5317 North Clark Street

      If you can't make this one, there'll be another at The Heartland Cafe in Rogers Park on Sunday, 1/9/11.

      I'll be the one in orange, red and black!
      PS: Thanks :)


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