Hello fellow unicyclists!  I know you're out there, so why am I having such a hard time finding you?  Myself and my one uni-cycling friend recently started getting together for rides, and we would like to invite anyone who rides a unicycle to join us!  We are not exactly advanced riders; we haven't gotten into any advanced tricks but plan to do so in the future.  But for now, join us for a ride, regardless of your skill level!  I live in Pilsen and my friend lives in Ukrainian Village, but we are open to meeting other places; perhaps the lakefront?  Let me know if you're interested!

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I actually did go ahead and buy one yesterday. HOpefully I can learn how to do it!

Thaks for the offer!

Kohaku said:
If you haven't bought one yet, I might have one for you.

jamimaria said:
I really want to learn how to ride a unicycle. I've been watching craigslist for an inexpensive one to learn on, but haven't seen too much come up.
I'm glad to hear there is some interest. I just created a group called, very creatively, "Unicyclists." For everyone that rides and is interested in learning to ride, please join this group. We can continue discussion there and will schedule a ride soon. Also please invite anyone that you think is interested.
Unicyclists group is here

Paul Roots said:
I'm glad to hear there is some interest. I just created a group called, very creatively, "Unicyclists." For everyone that rides and is interested in learning to ride, please join this group. We can continue discussion there and will schedule a ride soon. Also please invite anyone that you think is interested.


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