Rapid Transit Cycleshop – Chicago, IL

Independently owned bicycle shop specializing in unique folding, recumbent and city bikes is in need of an experienced good humored Mechanic who is active in the Chicago cycling community to drive sales and promote cycling in the community with social media utilization, repair classes, group rides and bicycle events.

This Position Requires:

*Strong technical bicycle knowledge, including mechanical aptitude for non-traditional bikes and the ability to troubleshoot complicated repairs.
*Passion for promoting and teach bicycle maintenance classes that will enable cyclists to travel independently and encourage the culture of bicycle commuting.

*Online aptitude and innate vitual savey a must.
*Work well in a collaborative group with the ability to coup with distraction, adapt to changes, competing demands and unexpected events.
*Generate new and repeat sales by providing the best customer service, product knowledge, service and technical information in a timely manner.
*Proactively recommend products needed by our cyclists to increase customer satisfaction and improve profitability.

To Apply:
Please submit a cover letter and resume to Elise@rapidtransitcycles.com

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Replies to This Discussion

I feel like I know a guy who would be excellent for that position...

Spellchecker is your friend.

He was perfect accept maybe a little to high strung.

notoriousDUG said:

I feel like I know a guy who would be excellent for that position...

High strung is part of his charm. And you really need to embrace spellchecker.

Elise Robison said:

He was perfect accept maybe a little to high strung.

notoriousDUG said:

I feel like I know a guy who would be excellent for that position...

Is this also not the venue to tell the story of how you became available?

notoriousDUG said:

I feel like I know a guy who would be excellent for that position...

No it is not.  Things like that are best left to private conversation.

Tony Adams 6.6 mi said:

Is this also not the venue to tell the story of how you became available?

notoriousDUG said:

I feel like I know a guy who would be excellent for that position...


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