its never too soon to go camping camping ride (MAY RIDE 5/22, 5/23)

this thread is for keeping all the info organized for the MAY camping ride to Illinois Beach State Park in Zion.


When you ask...well, due to popular availability this will be held on 5/22 and 5/23.  Please RSVP via the link below The RSVP will need to be closed the last week of April so that we have a hard confirmation of persons and needed campsites since we need to reserve those and try to get the sites next to eachother.  They do not have group sites.  Sites are limited to 4 adults and two tents.


Metting place will be North Shore Channel Trail entrance at Lawrence & California.


the RSVP...


the park..


the poll...


the gear list...

Views: 228

Replies to This Discussion

Here's the bicycle route suggested by Google Maps.
thank you, sir!!

da' Square Wheelman (aka garth) said:
Here's the bicycle route suggested by Google Maps.
Wow am I glad to see Google maps coming out with a cycling oriented feature. Just hope I don't loose my mapping and route planning skills...

Where would the starting location for this ride be? Would it be the address used in garth's route suggestion?
That address is just my home %-{)> I picked it just as a starting point. Perhaps we could all meet up at the trail head at River Park where the North Channel Train crosses West Argyle or a little south where it intersects with North Fransisco?
i do like the idea of everyone meeting at the trail head. its not "central" but it is probably north for everyone so we can all converge, and it being a park, its convenient for all the bikes.

da' Square Wheelman (aka garth) said:
That address is just my home %-{)> I picked it just as a starting point. Perhaps we could all meet up at the trail head at River Park where the North Channel Train crosses West Argyle or a little south where it intersects with North Fransisco?
I am in!
Should we do a google doc so that people can sign up to bring supplies? Or meet in person? I have a bunch of random camping stuff but am not sure I an fit it all on my bike...
yeah, we should def coordinate a bit. not everyone needs to bring cooking supplies. Katie, maybe another poll is in order...who has what kinda thing and take it from there?

Katie Paffhouse said:
Should we do a google doc so that people can sign up to bring supplies? Or meet in person? I have a bunch of random camping stuff but am not sure I an fit it all on my bike...
I am in. also - when it comes to camping-cooking; I am very minimal (camped a lot with my kids and
their boy scouts, etc.) Aluminum foil and a knife is essential (we made a lot of foil wraps : cut up veggies and potatoes, and put wrap up in foil and add seasoning and place in the fire. it always
tasted great).

Also - we need to plan to have some homebrew ready by then. we can arrange to have it delivered to
the campsite :-)


iggi said:
yeah, we should def coordinate a bit. not everyone needs to bring cooking supplies. Katie, maybe another poll is in order...who has what kinda thing and take it from there?

Katie Paffhouse said:
Should we do a google doc so that people can sign up to bring supplies? Or meet in person? I have a bunch of random camping stuff but am not sure I an fit it all on my bike...
i was editing a reply to katie and i timed out...but...

make a list of who is bringing what...

-tent - how big and if you plan to share and if you plan to share, with how many
-shareable food items - marshmallows, chips, snacks
-frisbee - gotta have a fuckin frisbee
-ghost story book - gotta be creeped out before going to sleep
-cooking utensils - spatulas, pans, tin foil
-group size lanterns
-booze (of course)
-a bear suit to scare the sit outta little children
-whatever else i havent thought of yet (im sure there is plenty)
it will probably also be good to figure out who all is going to be reserving and sharing sites. Usually the campgrounds will only let 4 people who are not related share a camp site...and sometimes even restrict the number of tents to a site. Lots of them say that they only allow 2 tents per site. I've never had a ranger give us a problem when we have extra tents, but it's possible.

Also, it might be good to find out if anyone is interested in driving. Have one car as a sag wagon can be convenient for a group this size. The car could also maybe take things like camp chairs and a larger cooler. It isn't necessary, but it may be handy.

Planning out some kind of menu might also be helpful.

It may also be good to divy up costs beforehand...but that can be flexible.
I would like to ride, but if anyone wants to bring a significant other, or is afraid of the miles I would be willing to loan out my jeep as a mule/sag vehicle. It has a bike rack for 2 bikes and can hold a lot of stuff with the seats folded down. The ride is only a lil over 40 miles but it will be a lot easier without a ton of gear loading down the bikes.... I have access to a bike trailer as a second resort but a cooler full of beer will make 40 miles on a trail a lot of work.

as far as the non family limit goes we can all just say we are Garth's grandkids


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