Now passing over 900 I still can't help but wonder where everyone is..

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Struck me cause of the Subject...Can't really expand on it since it's Skid Row! ;-) I REMEMBER YOU!!!! ;-)
but you obviously have some literary talent...

Gabe said:
Struck me cause of the Subject...Can't really expand on it since it's Skid Row! ;-) I REMEMBER YOU!!!! ;-)
Nah ;-) Singing talent! ;-) love ya Julie! ;-) Glad you are home safe!
will i see you at the next bar night? when can you get back on the bike?

Gabe said:
Nah ;-) Singing talent! ;-) love ya Julie! ;-) Glad you are home safe!
No bar nights cause I'm back to work and i work my security gig Thursdays. ;-( Only could make the last bar night cause i was outta work. As for biking, I still have 4 more weeks of physical therapy. I will do a test ride next weekend but only if there are clear bike lanes and no precipitation. i can't risk fallin' while still healing. ;-(


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