You know those women you care about who say:  I would love to ride a bike but

I am afraid to ride on the street

I don't want to mess up my hair and nails

I need to carry stuff

I need to bring my kids places

I don't know how to get around

My boyfriend-husband-father-brother tells me it is no big deal and just go do it?

Tell your mother, sister, girlfriend, daughter, grandmother, aunt, sister-in-law, or any female you know to come out to Dvorak Park on April 12 and learn how to do it all.  Everything is by women for women.

It is FREE.  There will be CHILD CARE. 

See the Chainlink event here.

Registration here.

Blog posts here.

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How's the sign-up and volunteering going?

We have about a dozen really wonderful volunteers signed up, but would be happy for a few more!

Last count we had 60 non-volunteer women signed up.  We have room for a lot more!

So, fellow Chainlinkers, if you want a woman you care about to ride more, send her to us on April 12.  Registration stuff above.

Finally, let me take this opportunity (thanks Kevin) to say that we are also going to be launching a woman to woman mentoring program, and fellow female Chainlinkers seem to be the perfect people to be mentors.  Let me know if you are interested!

Forgot to say many of our presentations will be by Chainlinkers you know and love.

For example:  Julie Hochstadter!  Anyone ever hear of her?

Anne Alt--she commutes and she will explain (not mansplain) how to do it.

Justyna Frank (Rapid Transit), Joanne McSweeney (On the Route), Vanessa Buccella and Annie Byrne (brand new BFF Bikes) will have great tips for going to the bike shop to buy a bike or for service. 

The shops are going to have bikes there to test ride.  Legacy Framworks (Erin, not Levi) will have that beautiful new Rambler available to ride.  Lots of Women Bike Chicago members are bringing their own bikes.  Julie wants to try my very small Surly Long Haul Trucker.  I'll have my Linus Dutchi step-through there, too.  And there will be lots more.

Volunteer, bring your Mom, enjoy this day presented by women cyclists for women.

There's a rumor that two of the women behind this fine event (and Chainlink members) will be featured tomorrow April 11th on Tony Sarabia's Morning Shift (8:50 am start time) on WBEZ 91.5 FM.

I'll be tuning in! 

Kevin C said:

There's a rumor that two of the women behind this fine event (and Chainlink members) will be featured tomorrow April 11th on Tony Sarabia's Morning Shift (8:50 am start time) on WBEZ 91.5 FM.

I have will likely have both kids in tow, but am happy to help if you need anything! Looking forward to it!

Lisa, I'm guessing you're the person on the Wheelwomen Switchboard who was asking about mentoring. This is me here, so feel free to send me a message. Not sure I'll be able to make it out Saturday for the event, which sounds fantastic, but it's on my heavy maybe list. 


It's ShowTime!

If anyone wants to hear the show to which Kevin was referring--two women talking with Tony Sarabia about women and cycling and the event mentioned at the top of the post, it is here:

To skip right to the Women Bike Chicago stuff, go to 14:25.

Suzy Schnauzer and I will be cycling from Webster & Seminary to give a presentation about Cycling with Small Dogs.  We would love to have some company on Halsted St. between Webster and Cullerton. Please email to if you would like to meet us somewhere along Halsted.j

Hope to see you tomorrow on the road or at the workshop


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