Cycling is different 9,300 miles away. There are no bike lanes on Singapore streets. We bike like it's Milwaukee Avenue all the time. Stay on the edge, keep out of the way, deal with the honking, jump into the pedestrian crossings when necessary (it's necessary), use your bell.


Get. A. Bell.


(Though there are those who don't like the bell. I don't use my bell when I cycle on the Park Connector Network - or I try not to. Don't frighten the pedestrian - it (truly) is their trail first. It's just convenient for me to use it at the moment. I would rather be on the street, but...I'm still a bit frightened. The trucks blow past me like I'm a piece of paper that can't be broken (I can so easily be broken), and I'm still adjusting to being on the left. My mantra while cycling - "Right turn at lights only, left is okay. Left is okay.")


And I'm adjusting to the bike (I love my bike) (but she's small) (a folder, truth be told). And adjusting to being the *really slow* cyclist amongst the spandex and lycra-clad speedsters passing me on the road like SUVs on Ashland (though with kinder greetings). It's a small community here - we look after one another.


Cycling in Singapore is hot and confusing and so utterly different from cycling in Chicago. I miss Chicago, but I'm glad to get this experience. This is what it's like for people in places where cycling isn't so common. A friend said that Singapore is one of the best places in Southeast Asia for cycling, "Because the drivers are confused, but not aggressive."


Please let me continue confusing but not angering the drivers. Please keep me mindful that what feels like the wrong side of the street is actually correct. Please let me remember that I'm CYCLING IN SINGAPORE, and know how cool that is.


Please visit, and let me know if you do.




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cool post.....thanks for sharing. And it seems you've learned something about biking in Chicago by biking in Singapore! That's what travel does, it can teach you about your home.'s not the "wrong side", it's just the OTHER side ;)

I'm mostly worried that *I'm* on the wrong side! Stay with traffic, stay with traffic. =) Jeff - enjoy cycling away!
Very "Cool" indeed.
I've driven on the "right side" with the automobile controls on the "wrong side" in France, Spain, and Morocco. I've driven on the "wrong side" with automobile controls on the "right side" in England and Scotland. I've ridden a bike and motorcycle on the "wrong side" in Bermuda and Scotland. Your job, as always, is to miss stuff. As long as you keep missing stuff, you're doing it "right." Be safe. 

Caitlin said:
I'm mostly worried that *I'm* on the wrong side! Stay with traffic, stay with traffic. =) Jeff - enjoy cycling away!
I'm doing my best to miss stuff, though I'm not always certain that the drivers are going to miss me. Just going to do my defensive best...

Kevin C said:
I've driven on the "right side" with the automobile controls on the "wrong side" in France, Spain, and Morocco. I've driven on the "wrong side" with automobile controls on the "right side" in England and Scotland. I've ridden a bike and motorcycle on the "wrong side" in Bermuda and Scotland. Your job, as always, is to miss stuff. As long as you keep missing stuff, you're doing it "right." Be safe. 

Caitlin said:
I'm mostly worried that *I'm* on the wrong side! Stay with traffic, stay with traffic. =) Jeff - enjoy cycling away!

At least you're doing your best on a super cute bike!! I'm sure by the time you come back and visit us here, you'll feel like the right side of the road is wrong :) 


Caitlin said:

I'm doing my best to miss stuff, though I'm not always certain that the drivers are going to miss me. Just going to do my defensive best...

Kevin C said:
I've driven on the "right side" with the automobile controls on the "wrong side" in France, Spain, and Morocco. I've driven on the "wrong side" with automobile controls on the "right side" in England and Scotland. I've ridden a bike and motorcycle on the "wrong side" in Bermuda and Scotland. Your job, as always, is to miss stuff. As long as you keep missing stuff, you're doing it "right." Be safe. 

Caitlin said:
I'm mostly worried that *I'm* on the wrong side! Stay with traffic, stay with traffic. =) Jeff - enjoy cycling away!


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